Fund Name | Fund Code | Daily Return | Latest NAV | Cummulative NAV | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW Quality Growth Equity Fund A | 000411 | 0.81% | 1.7350 | 2.2880 | 156.06% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rising Star Equity Fund A | 000418 | -0.35% | 3.6810 | 4.3110 | 332.40% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Small & Mid Cap & GEM Selected Equity Fund A | 000586 | 0.05% | 2.2010 | 2.7730 | 175.54% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Research Selected Equity Fund A | 000688 | 0.06% | 1.7140 | 1.9640 | 105.22% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Selection Equity Fund | 000978 | -0.31% | 1.6140 | 1.6670 | 68.76% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China-HK Stock Connect Equity Fund | 000979 | 0.00% | 2.2490 | 2.2490 | 124.90% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative New Power Equity Fund A | 001974 | -0.24% | 1.6460 | 1.9310 | 93.14% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Environmental Advantage Equity Fund | 001975 | -1.29% | 3.1260 | 3.1260 | 216.70% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SH-HK-SZ Leading Technology Equity Fund | 004476 | -0.64% | 1.5540 | 1.5540 | 56.40% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Small Cap Equity fund | 005457 | -0.32% | 1.3706 | 1.6506 | 67.74% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Hong Kong Connect Equity Fund A | 006106 | -0.90% | 0.9705 | 0.9705 | -2.07% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Electronic Info Industries Equity Fund A | 010003 | -0.90% | 1.2707 | 1.2707 | 28.23% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Electronic Info Industries Equity Fund C | 010004 | -0.90% | 1.2485 | 1.2485 | 25.99% | 25-02-11 |
IGW New Energy Industries Equity Fund A | 011328 | -2.00% | 1.1213 | 1.1213 | 14.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW New Energy Industries Equity Fund C | 011329 | -2.01% | 1.1167 | 1.1167 | 13.96% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Zhuan Jing Te Xin Quantitative Selective Equity Fund A | 014062 | -0.60% | 0.7162 | 0.7162 | -27.95% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Zhuan Jing Te Xin Quantitative Selective Equity Fund C | 014063 | -0.58% | 0.7071 | 0.7071 | -28.88% | 25-02-11 |
IGW ESG Quantitative Equity Fund A | 014634 | -0.25% | 0.9098 | 0.9098 | -8.79% | 25-02-11 |
IGW ESG Quantitative Equity Fund C | 014635 | -0.26% | 0.8952 | 0.8952 | -10.25% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Growth Trend Equity Fund A | 015408 | 0.36% | 1.0198 | 1.0198 | 1.61% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Growth Trend Equity Fund C | 015409 | 0.37% | 1.0104 | 1.0104 | 0.67% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Small & Mid Cap & GEM Selected Equity Fund C | 018817 | 0.05% | 2.1850 | 2.4100 | -6.90% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Hong Kong Connect Equity Fund C | 018861 | -0.90% | 0.9222 | 0.9222 | 7.87% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Research Selected Equity Fund C | 018998 | 0.06% | 1.6990 | 1.6990 | 39.87% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SH-HK-SZ Stock Connect Equity Fund C | 021313 | 0.04% | 2.2360 | 2.2360 | -0.13% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quality Growth Equity Fund C | 021500 | 0.82% | 1.7300 | 1.7300 | 37.17% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rising Star Equity Fund C | 021503 | -0.33% | 3.6710 | 4.3010 | 1.35% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Medical Industry Equity Seeded Fund A | 022081 | 0.29% | 1.0174 | 1.0174 | 0.29% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Medical Industry Equity Seeded Fund C | 022082 | 0.28% | 1.0172 | 1.0172 | 0.27% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Dividend Quantitative Selection Equity Fund A | 022344 | -0.63% | 0.9909 | 0.9909 | -0.87% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Dividend Quantitative Selection Equity Fund C | 022345 | -0.64% | 0.9907 | 0.9907 | -0.88% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Quantitative New Power Equity Fund C | 023188 | -0.30% | 1.6660 | 1.6660 | 5.03% | 25-02-11 |
Fund Name | Fund Code | Daily Return | Latest NAV | Cummulative NAV | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW Quality Growth Equity Fund A | 000411 | 0.81% | 1.7350 | 2.2880 | 156.06% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rising Star Equity Fund A | 000418 | -0.35% | 3.6810 | 4.3110 | 332.40% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Small & Mid Cap & GEM Selected Equity Fund A | 000586 | 0.05% | 2.2010 | 2.7730 | 175.54% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Research Selected Equity Fund A | 000688 | 0.06% | 1.7140 | 1.9640 | 105.22% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Selection Equity Fund | 000978 | -0.31% | 1.6140 | 1.6670 | 68.76% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China-HK Stock Connect Equity Fund | 000979 | 0.00% | 2.2490 | 2.2490 | 124.90% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative New Power Equity Fund A | 001974 | -0.24% | 1.6460 | 1.9310 | 93.14% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Environmental Advantage Equity Fund | 001975 | -1.29% | 3.1260 | 3.1260 | 216.70% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SH-HK-SZ Leading Technology Equity Fund | 004476 | -0.64% | 1.5540 | 1.5540 | 56.40% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Small Cap Equity fund | 005457 | -0.32% | 1.3706 | 1.6506 | 67.74% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Hong Kong Connect Equity Fund A | 006106 | -0.90% | 0.9705 | 0.9705 | -2.07% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Electronic Info Industries Equity Fund A | 010003 | -0.90% | 1.2707 | 1.2707 | 28.23% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Electronic Info Industries Equity Fund C | 010004 | -0.90% | 1.2485 | 1.2485 | 25.99% | 25-02-11 |
IGW New Energy Industries Equity Fund A | 011328 | -2.00% | 1.1213 | 1.1213 | 14.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW New Energy Industries Equity Fund C | 011329 | -2.01% | 1.1167 | 1.1167 | 13.96% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Zhuan Jing Te Xin Quantitative Selective Equity Fund A | 014062 | -0.60% | 0.7162 | 0.7162 | -27.95% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Zhuan Jing Te Xin Quantitative Selective Equity Fund C | 014063 | -0.58% | 0.7071 | 0.7071 | -28.88% | 25-02-11 |
IGW ESG Quantitative Equity Fund A | 014634 | -0.25% | 0.9098 | 0.9098 | -8.79% | 25-02-11 |
IGW ESG Quantitative Equity Fund C | 014635 | -0.26% | 0.8952 | 0.8952 | -10.25% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Growth Trend Equity Fund A | 015408 | 0.36% | 1.0198 | 1.0198 | 1.61% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Growth Trend Equity Fund C | 015409 | 0.37% | 1.0104 | 1.0104 | 0.67% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Small & Mid Cap & GEM Selected Equity Fund C | 018817 | 0.05% | 2.1850 | 2.4100 | -6.90% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Hong Kong Connect Equity Fund C | 018861 | -0.90% | 0.9222 | 0.9222 | 7.87% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Research Selected Equity Fund C | 018998 | 0.06% | 1.6990 | 1.6990 | 39.87% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SH-HK-SZ Stock Connect Equity Fund C | 021313 | 0.04% | 2.2360 | 2.2360 | -0.13% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quality Growth Equity Fund C | 021500 | 0.82% | 1.7300 | 1.7300 | 37.17% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rising Star Equity Fund C | 021503 | -0.33% | 3.6710 | 4.3010 | 1.35% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Medical Industry Equity Seeded Fund A | 022081 | 0.29% | 1.0174 | 1.0174 | 0.29% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Medical Industry Equity Seeded Fund C | 022082 | 0.28% | 1.0172 | 1.0172 | 0.27% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Dividend Quantitative Selection Equity Fund A | 022344 | -0.63% | 0.9909 | 0.9909 | -0.87% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Dividend Quantitative Selection Equity Fund C | 022345 | -0.64% | 0.9907 | 0.9907 | -0.88% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Quantitative New Power Equity Fund C | 023188 | -0.30% | 1.6660 | 1.6660 | 5.03% | 25-02-11 |
Fund Name | Fund Code | Daily Return | Latest NAV | Cummulative NAV | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW Seasonal Golden Interest Bond Fund A | 000181 | -0.08% | 1.2350 | 1.6100 | 71.35% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Seasonal Golden Interest Bond Fund C | 000182 | 0.00% | 1.2160 | 1.5520 | 63.88% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Pure Credit Bond Fund A | 000252 | 0.01% | 1.2247 | 1.5486 | 59.81% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Pure Credit Bond Fund C | 000253 | 0.02% | 1.2156 | 1.4913 | 52.91% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingyi General Class Ⅱ Bond Fund A | 000385 | -0.17% | 1.7170 | 2.0020 | 106.36% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingyi General Class Ⅱ Bond Fund C | 000386 | -0.12% | 1.6430 | 1.9200 | 97.32% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Monthly Dividend Bond Fund | 000465 | 0.00% | 1.0010 | 1.6080 | 60.86% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingrui Bond Fund A | 001750 | -0.02% | 1.1404 | 1.2840 | 29.76% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingyi Increase Interest Bond Fund A | 001854 | --% | 1.0020 | 1.0020 | --% | 18-12-25 |
IGW Jingyi Increase Interest Bond Fund C | 001855 | --% | 0.9890 | 0.9890 | --% | 18-12-25 |
Jingyi Hongli Bond Fund A | 001920 | --% | 1.2130 | 1.2130 | --% | 21-04-12 |
Jingyi Hongli Bond Fund C | 001921 | --% | 1.1610 | 1.1610 | --% | 21-04-12 |
IGW Jingsheng Double Interest Bond Fund A | 002065 | 0.00% | 1.1430 | 1.2990 | 31.72% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingsheng Double Interest Bond Fund C | 002066 | 0.09% | 1.1050 | 1.2540 | 26.85% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingying Double interest A | 002796 | -0.19% | 1.2082 | 1.3524 | 36.44% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingying Double interest C | 002797 | -0.20% | 1.1731 | 1.3118 | 32.24% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingying Golden Interest Bond Fund A | 002842 | --% | 1.0463 | 1.0463 | --% | 18-10-17 |
IGW Jingying Golden Interest Bond Fund C | 002843 | --% | 1.0388 | 1.0388 | --% | 18-10-17 |
IGW Jingying Huili Bond Fund A | 003128 | --% | 0.9744 | 0.9744 | --% | 18-01-11 |
IGW Jingying Huili Bond Fund C | 003129 | --% | 0.9736 | 0.9736 | --% | 18-01-11 |
IGW Policy Finance Bond Fund A | 003315 | 0.03% | 1.0790 | 1.3193 | 34.85% | 25-02-11 |
IGW JingTai Fengli Pure Bond Fund A | 003407 | 0.04% | 1.1221 | 1.4845 | 55.36% | 25-02-11 |
IGW JingTai Fengli Pure Bond Fund C | 003408 | 0.04% | 1.1267 | 1.4461 | 50.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingyi Shengli Bond Fund A | 003409 | --% | 1.1672 | 1.1672 | --% | 18-12-25 |
IGW Jingyi Shengli Bond Fund C | 003410 | --% | 1.0921 | 1.0921 | --% | 18-12-25 |
IGW Jingyi Fengli Bond Fund A | 003504 | -0.07% | 1.2242 | 1.2780 | 28.78% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingyi Fengli Bond Fund C | 003505 | -0.07% | 1.1997 | 1.2534 | 26.21% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingtai Huili Regular Open Bond Fund A | 003605 | 0.02% | 1.2006 | 1.3938 | 41.72% | 25-02-11 |
Jingtai Wenli Bond Fund A | 005327 | 0.02% | 1.1069 | 1.3136 | 34.44% | 25-02-11 |
Jingtai Wenli Bond Fund C | 006065 | 0.02% | 1.0971 | 1.2756 | 28.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW JingTai JuLi Pure Bond Fund | 006681 | 0.00% | 1.1224 | 1.1724 | 17.41% | 25-02-11 |
IGW JingTai XinLi Pure Bond Fund A | 006764 | -0.01% | 1.1220 | 1.2210 | 22.39% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Ying Li Pure Bond Fund | 007537 | -0.02% | 1.2037 | 1.2837 | 28.76% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Chun Li Bond Fund A | 007562 | -0.05% | 1.1779 | 1.2776 | 28.75% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Medium-and-short-term Bond Fund A | 007603 | -0.01% | 1.1396 | 1.1717 | 17.29% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Medium-and-short-term Bond Fund C | 007604 | -0.01% | 1.1209 | 1.1526 | 15.37% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China bond 3-5 Year Policy Bank Bond Index Fund A | 008005 | --% | 1.1026 | 1.1026 | --% | 21-06-16 |
IGW China bond 3-5 Year Policy Bank Bond Index Fund C | 008006 | --% | 1.1816 | 1.1816 | --% | 21-06-16 |
IGW Hong Li 39 Monthly-opened Bond Fund | 008333 | 0.01% | 1.0297 | 1.1462 | 15.18% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Yu Li Pure Bond Fund A | 008409 | -0.01% | 1.1125 | 1.1829 | 18.73% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingtai Tianli Yearly Open Seeded Bond Fund | 008495 | -0.01% | 1.0407 | 1.1444 | 15.00% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingtai Huili Regular Open Bond Fund C | 008554 | 0.02% | 1.1945 | 1.3874 | 21.61% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China bond 1-3 Year CDB Bond Index Fund A | 008822 | --% | 1.0431 | 1.1184 | --% | 24-04-17 |
IGW China bond 1-3 Year CDB Bond Index Fund C | 008823 | --% | 1.0618 | 1.1528 | --% | 24-04-17 |
IGW Jing Yi Jia Li Six Month Holding Period Bond Fund A | 008999 | -0.15% | 1.2376 | 1.2376 | 23.94% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Jia Li Six Month Holding Period Bond Fund C | 009000 | -0.14% | 1.2145 | 1.2145 | 21.62% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hong Yuan 66 Monthly-opened Bond Fund | 009235 | 0.01% | 1.0907 | 1.1772 | 18.21% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Bao Li Yearly Opened Seeded Pure Bond Fund | 009685 | 0.01% | 1.0213 | 1.1766 | 19.01% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jingrui Bond Fund C | 009871 | -0.01% | 1.1336 | 1.2298 | 15.32% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Zhao Li Six Month Holding Period Bond Fund A | 010011 | 0.07% | 1.1772 | 1.2677 | 27.96% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Zhao Li Six Month Holding Period Bond Fund C | 010012 | 0.06% | 1.1564 | 1.2465 | 25.75% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Yi Li Pure Bond Fund | 010477 | 0.01% | 1.0873 | 1.1758 | 18.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai You Li Yearly Opened Seeded Pure Bond Fund | 010527 | 0.02% | 1.0522 | 1.1375 | 14.39% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Heng Li yearly Opened Seeded Pure Bond Fund | 011088 | -0.02% | 1.0274 | 1.1535 | 16.08% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Hui Li One Year Holding Period Bond Fund A | 011089 | --% | 1.0020 | 1.0020 | --% | 24-01-17 |
IGW Jing Yi Hui Li One Year Holding Period Bond Fund C | 011090 | --% | 0.9928 | 0.9928 | --% | 24-01-17 |
IGW JingTai XinLi Pure Bond Fund C | 012136 | -0.01% | 1.1700 | 1.2690 | 14.15% | 25-02-11 |
IGW 90 Days Holding Period Short Term Bond Fund A | 012563 | 0.00% | 1.0759 | 1.0759 | 7.59% | 25-02-11 |
IGW 90 Days Holding Period Short Term Bond Fund C | 012564 | 0.00% | 1.0710 | 1.0710 | 7.10% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Chun Li Bond Fund C | 013380 | -0.04% | 1.1683 | 1.2233 | 10.58% | 25-02-11 |
IGW 30-day Rolling Holding Period Short-term Bond Fund A | 013492 | -0.01% | 1.0836 | 1.0836 | 8.37% | 25-02-11 |
IGW 30-day Rolling Holding Period Short-term Bond Fund C | 013493 | 0.00% | 1.0768 | 1.0768 | 7.68% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Ding Li Yearly Opened Pure Bond Fund A | 013645 | 0.00% | 1.0807 | 1.1107 | 11.30% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Ding Li Yearly Opened Pure Bond Fund C | 013646 | 0.00% | 1.0802 | 1.1102 | 11.24% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Yue Li Quarterly Opened Pure Bond Fund A | 014973 | 0.00% | 1.0526 | 1.1247 | 12.86% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Yue Li Quarterly Opened Pure Bond Fund C | 014974 | 0.01% | 1.0574 | 1.1219 | 12.54% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Zun Li Bond Fund A | 015805 | -0.17% | 1.0940 | 1.0940 | 9.59% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Zun Li Bond Fund C | 015806 | -0.18% | 1.0825 | 1.0825 | 8.44% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Yong Li Pure Bond Fund A | 016126 | 0.01% | 1.0669 | 1.0863 | 8.62% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Yong Li Pure Bond Fund C | 016127 | 0.01% | 1.0669 | 1.0863 | 8.62% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Stable Yield Bond Fund A | 016869 | -0.15% | 1.0930 | 1.0930 | 9.46% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Stable Yield Bond Fund C | 016870 | -0.15% | 1.0834 | 1.0834 | 8.50% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rui Feng Short-term Bond Fund A | 016933 | -0.01% | 1.0711 | 1.0711 | 7.12% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rui Feng Short-term Bond Fund C | 016934 | 0.00% | 1.0663 | 1.0663 | 6.63% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Zhen Li Pure Bond Fund A | 017123 | 0.00% | 1.0672 | 1.0845 | 8.56% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Zhen Li Pure Bond Fund C | 017124 | 0.02% | 1.0625 | 1.0788 | 7.95% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Yu Li Pure Bond Fund C | 017729 | -0.01% | 1.1022 | 1.1617 | 8.75% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Policy Finance Bond Fund C | 017926 | 0.02% | 1.0731 | 1.1325 | 9.16% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China bond 0-3 Year Policy Bank Bond Index Fund A | 018137 | 0.02% | 1.0496 | 1.0690 | 6.94% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China bond 0-3 Year Policy Bank Bond Index Fund C | 018138 | 0.02% | 1.0547 | 1.0742 | 7.46% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Chen Li Bond Fund A | 018214 | 0.02% | 1.0562 | 1.0562 | 5.61% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Chen Li Bond Fund C | 018215 | 0.02% | 1.0486 | 1.0486 | 4.85% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Yu Li Bond Fund A | 018736 | -0.02% | 1.0572 | 1.0572 | 5.74% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi Yu Li Bond Fund C | 018737 | -0.02% | 1.0515 | 1.0515 | 5.17% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Sheng Shuang Yi Bond Fund A | 019380 | 0.01% | 1.0300 | 1.0300 | 2.99% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Sheng Shuang Yi Bond Fund C | 019381 | 0.00% | 1.0253 | 1.0253 | 2.53% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Tong Li Pure Bond Fund A | 019489 | 0.02% | 1.0475 | 1.0699 | 7.04% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Tai Tong Li Pure Bond Fund C | 019490 | 0.03% | 1.0701 | 1.0926 | 9.33% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rui Feng Short-term Bond Fund F | 020589 | -0.01% | 1.0704 | 1.0704 | 3.23% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Medium-and-short-term Bond Fund F | 020656 | -0.01% | 1.1391 | 1.1563 | 3.11% | 25-02-11 |
IGW 60-day Holding Period Bond Fund A | 020716 | 0.00% | 1.0293 | 1.0293 | 2.93% | 25-02-11 |
IGW 60-day Holding Period Bond Fund C | 020717 | 0.00% | 1.0275 | 1.0275 | 2.75% | 25-02-11 |
IGW JingTai Fengli Pure Bond Fund F | 020825 | 0.04% | 1.1600 | 1.1830 | 6.82% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Pure Credit Bond Fund F | 020995 | 0.02% | 1.2251 | 1.2251 | 4.18% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi He Li Bond Fund A | 022018 | 0.00% | 1.0007 | 1.0007 | 0.08% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Yi He Li Bond Fund C | 022019 | 0.00% | 0.9995 | 0.9995 | -0.04% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China bond 0-3 Year CDB Bond Index Fund A | 022391 | 0.00% | 1.0057 | 1.0057 | 0.57% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China bond 0-3 Year CDB Bond Index Fund C | 022392 | 0.00% | 1.0058 | 1.0058 | 0.58% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Domestic Bond Fund F | 022534 | -0.18% | 1.1380 | 1.1380 | 7.04% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Stable Yield Bond Fund F | 023392 | -0.16% | 1.0925 | 1.0925 | 0.51% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Domestic Bond Fund A | 261001 | -0.18% | 1.1390 | 1.4950 | 58.60% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Credit Bond Fund A | 261002 | -0.01% | 1.0669 | 1.6463 | 72.85% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Domestic Bond Fund C | 261101 | -0.09% | 1.1290 | 1.4310 | 49.87% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Credit Bond Fund C | 261102 | -0.02% | 1.0651 | 1.5998 | 67.21% | 25-02-11 |
Fund Name | Fund Code | 7-Day Ann. Yield | Return per 10000 units | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW Jingyi Money Market Fund A | 000380 | 1.4080 | 0.3830 | 33.59% | 25-02-03 |
IGW Jingyi Money Market Fund B | 000381 | 1.6520 | 0.4488 | 36.39% | 25-02-02 |
IGW Jingfeng Money Market Fund A | 000701 | 1.5730 | 0.4311 | 29.92% | 25-02-03 |
IGW Jingfeng Money Market Fund B | 000707 | 1.8100 | 0.4968 | 33.19% | 25-02-02 |
IGW Jingfeng Money Market Fund E | 016473 | 1.5860 | 0.4311 | 4.23% | 25-02-03 |
IGW Money Market Fund A | 260102 | 1.4000 | 0.3767 | 66.56% | 25-02-03 |
IGW Money Market Fund B | 260202 | 1.6440 | 0.4424 | 51.47% | 25-02-03 |
IGW Money Market Fund ETF | 511890 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | --% | 18-04-13 |
Fund Name | Fund Code | Daily Return | Latest NAV | Cummulative NAV | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW Quality Investing Mixed Securities Fund A | 000020 | -0.03% | 3.1230 | 3.2910 | 240.40% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Strategic Selection Balanced Fund A | 000242 | 0.61% | 2.9610 | 3.5110 | 364.69% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Competitive Enterprise Mixed Securities Fund A | 000532 | 0.30% | 2.9610 | 2.9610 | 195.20% | 25-02-11 |
IGW China Rewards Balanced Fund A | 000772 | -1.27% | 1.2470 | 1.6840 | 58.48% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Stable Return Balanced Fund A | 001194 | 0.14% | 2.1310 | 2.1960 | 122.74% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Leading Return Balanced Fund A | 001362 | -0.06% | 1.6590 | 1.7180 | 74.88% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Leading Return Balanced Fund C | 001379 | -0.05% | 1.8590 | 1.9260 | 95.95% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Stable Return Balanced Fund C | 001407 | 0.15% | 2.0670 | 2.1300 | 111.92% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Xiang Return Balanced Fund A | 001422 | 0.00% | 1.4370 | 1.6340 | 68.23% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Xiang Return Balanced Fund C | 001423 | 0.00% | 1.4050 | 1.6000 | 64.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Taihe Return Balanced Fund A | 001506 | 0.07% | 1.3610 | 1.4210 | 42.36% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Taihe Return Balanced Fund C | 001507 | 0.08% | 1.3310 | 1.3900 | 37.56% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Reform Opportunity Balanced Fund A | 001535 | -1.29% | 1.4520 | 1.4520 | 47.10% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Low Carbon Technology Theme Balanced Fund | 002244 | -0.20% | 1.4810 | 1.5310 | 55.44% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Shunyi Return Balanced A | 002792 | 0.02% | 1.5233 | 1.5233 | 52.30% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Shunyi Return Balanced C | 002793 | 0.01% | 1.4719 | 1.4719 | 47.17% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Taian Return Balanced Fund A | 003603 | --% | 1.3415 | 1.4534 | --% | 23-12-11 |
IGW Taian Return Balanced Fund C | 003604 | --% | 1.3283 | 1.4362 | --% | 23-12-11 |
IGW Ruicheng Balanced Fund A | 004707 | -0.71% | 1.5605 | 1.5605 | 57.16% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Ruicheng Balanced Fund C | 004719 | -0.71% | 1.5267 | 1.5267 | 53.76% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Semi-annually opened Jingrui Ruili Return Balanced Fund | 005007 | --% | 1.1460 | 1.1460 | --% | 21-05-19 |
IGW Quantitative Balance Fund A | 005258 | -0.10% | 1.1365 | 1.1365 | 13.76% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Taiheng Return Balanced Fund A | 005325 | --% | 1.6805 | 1.6805 | --% | 23-11-09 |
IGW Taiheng Return Balanced Fund C | 005326 | --% | 1.6522 | 1.6522 | --% | 23-11-09 |
IGW Intelligent life Balanced Fund A | 005914 | -0.56% | 2.0149 | 2.0149 | 102.63% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Pioneer Balance Fund A | 006201 | --% | 1.2477 | 1.4107 | --% | 23-10-23 |
IGW Jiying Growth Biennially-Opened Balanced Fund | 006345 | -0.99% | 0.9874 | 0.9874 | -0.27% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Innovative Growth Balanced fund | 006435 | -1.30% | 1.5813 | 1.5813 | 60.21% | 25-02-11 |
IGW High Quality Growth Balanced Fund A | 007412 | -0.99% | 0.9692 | 0.9692 | -2.11% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Reform Opportunity Balanced Fund C | 007945 | -1.32% | 1.4160 | 1.4160 | 40.14% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Margin Balanced Fund A | 008060 | 0.12% | 1.6195 | 1.6195 | 61.76% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Competitive Advantage Balanced Fund | 008131 | -0.46% | 0.7944 | 0.7944 | -20.19% | 25-02-11 |
IGW TaiShen Return Balanced Fund | 008479 | --% | 1.1643 | 1.1643 | --% | 23-10-26 |
IGW Technology Innovation Balanced Fund A | 008657 | 0.15% | 1.3745 | 1.5705 | 61.89% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quality Growth Balanced Fund A | 008712 | -0.49% | 1.1244 | 1.1244 | 12.99% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Driven 1yr Holding Period Balanced Fund | 008715 | 0.11% | 1.4277 | 1.4277 | 42.61% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Advanced Triennially-Opened Balanced Fund | 008850 | 0.17% | 1.5766 | 1.5766 | 57.39% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quarterly Opened Quantitative Hedging Seeded Balanced Fund | 008851 | 0.06% | 1.0320 | 1.0320 | 3.14% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Pioneer 2yr Holding Period Balanced Fund | 009098 | 0.17% | 1.9626 | 1.9626 | 95.93% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Core Optimization One Year Holding Period Balanced fund | 009190 | -0.24% | 1.0948 | 1.0948 | 9.74% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Growth Pioneer Balanced Fund | 009376 | -1.32% | 1.3080 | 1.3080 | 32.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Xin Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 009499 | -0.44% | 1.0601 | 1.0601 | 6.49% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Technology Innovation Triennially-Opened Balanced Fund | 009598 | -0.50% | 0.6937 | 0.6937 | -30.28% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Xin Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 009755 | -0.44% | 1.0408 | 1.0408 | 4.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Growth Evolution Balanced Fund A | 009992 | -0.48% | 0.8448 | 0.8448 | -15.11% | 25-02-11 |
IGW He Xin Zhong Jing One Year Holding Period Balanced fund | 010027 | -0.38% | 0.6856 | 0.6856 | -31.18% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Consumption Selective Balanced Fund A | 010104 | -1.03% | 0.6890 | 0.6890 | -30.38% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Consumption Selective Balanced Fund C | 010105 | -1.04% | 0.6766 | 0.6766 | -31.63% | 25-02-11 |
IGW He Xin Zhao Jing Balanced Fund A | 010108 | -0.32% | 0.6842 | 0.6842 | -31.36% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Shun Xin Return Balanced Fund A | 010211 | -0.04% | 1.1241 | 1.1731 | 17.74% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Shun Xin Return Balanced Fund C | 010212 | -0.04% | 1.1151 | 1.1641 | 16.82% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Industry Trend Balanced Fund A | 010289 | -0.62% | 0.6259 | 0.6259 | -37.01% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Tai Bao Quarterly Opened Seeded Balanced Fund | 010348 | 0.25% | 0.8013 | 0.8013 | -20.06% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quality Evergreen Balanced Fund A | 010350 | -0.31% | 1.1492 | 1.1492 | 15.28% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Tai Xiang Return Balanced Fund | 010478 | --% | 1.0978 | 1.1288 | --% | 23-11-28 |
IGW Tai Yuan Return Balanced Fund | 010526 | --% | 1.0275 | 1.0275 | --% | 21-08-25 |
IGW JingLi Growth Balanced Fund | 010706 | -2.35% | 0.8061 | 0.8061 | -17.44% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Tai Yang Return Balanced Fund A | 010773 | --% | 1.0830 | 1.0830 | --% | 23-11-28 |
IGW Tai Yang Return Balanced Fund C | 010774 | --% | 1.0782 | 1.0782 | --% | 23-11-28 |
IGW Shun An Return Balanced Fund A | 010822 | --% | 1.0588 | 1.0588 | --% | 23-07-20 |
IGW Shun An Return Balanced Fund C | 010823 | --% | 1.0853 | 1.0853 | --% | 23-07-20 |
IGW Research Driven 3yr Holding Period Balanced Fund | 010949 | -0.47% | 1.0103 | 1.0103 | 1.51% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Ze Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 011018 | -0.38% | 1.2584 | 1.2584 | 26.32% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Ze Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 011019 | -0.38% | 1.2387 | 1.2387 | 24.34% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Leading Growth 1 Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 011058 | -1.20% | 0.8414 | 0.8414 | -14.83% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Leading Growth 1 Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 011059 | -1.20% | 0.8213 | 0.8213 | -16.86% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Booming Growth Balanced Fund A | 011167 | -0.23% | 1.0281 | 1.0281 | 3.05% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rong Jing Industry Opportunities One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 011344 | -0.65% | 0.6986 | 0.6986 | -29.68% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rong Jing Industry Opportunities One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 011345 | -0.65% | 0.6839 | 0.6839 | -31.16% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Ning Jing Six Month Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 011803 | -0.08% | 1.1933 | 1.1933 | 19.43% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Ning Jing Six Month Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 011804 | -0.08% | 1.1781 | 1.1781 | 17.91% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Medical and Health Balanced Fund A | 011876 | -0.66% | 0.6056 | 0.6056 | -39.04% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Medical and Health Balanced Fund C | 011877 | -0.67% | 0.5972 | 0.5972 | -39.88% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Ying Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 011997 | -0.06% | 1.2304 | 1.2304 | 23.11% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Ying Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 011998 | -0.06% | 1.2117 | 1.2117 | 21.24% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Advanced Intelligent Manufacture balanced Fund A | 012130 | -0.47% | 0.7987 | 0.7987 | -19.75% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Advanced Intelligent Manufacture balanced Fund C | 012131 | -0.47% | 0.7877 | 0.7877 | -20.86% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Rui Balanced Fund A | 012137 | -0.35% | 1.1585 | 1.1585 | 16.27% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Yi Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 012138 | -0.33% | 1.1318 | 1.1318 | 13.57% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Yi Return One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 012139 | -0.35% | 1.1156 | 1.1156 | 11.96% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hong Kong Connect Global Competitiveness Balanced Fund A | 012227 | -1.41% | 0.7269 | 0.7269 | -26.27% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hong Kong Connect Global Competitiveness Balanced Fund C | 012228 | -1.42% | 0.7204 | 0.7204 | -26.92% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Jing One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 013225 | -0.05% | 1.1070 | 1.1070 | 10.77% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Jing One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 013226 | -0.05% | 1.0934 | 1.0934 | 9.41% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Booming Enterprising Balanced Fund A | 013812 | 0.53% | 0.7200 | 0.7200 | -28.38% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Booming Enterprising Balanced Fund C | 013813 | 0.53% | 0.7062 | 0.7062 | -29.75% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hong Kong Connect Digital Economy Balanced Fund A | 014146 | --% | 0.8114 | 0.8114 | --% | 24-05-23 |
IGW Hong Kong Connect Digital Economy Balanced Fund C | 014147 | --% | 0.8080 | 0.8080 | --% | 24-05-23 |
IGW An Ding One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 014148 | -0.24% | 1.1740 | 1.1740 | 17.68% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Ding One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 014149 | -0.24% | 1.1590 | 1.1590 | 16.18% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Visionary Growth Balanced Fund A | 014472 | -0.57% | 1.1686 | 1.1686 | 17.53% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Visionary Growth Balanced Fund C | 014473 | -0.57% | 1.1473 | 1.1473 | 15.39% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hua Cheng Stable 6 Months Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 014767 | 0.04% | 1.1529 | 1.1529 | 15.44% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hua Cheng Stable 6 Months Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 014768 | 0.04% | 1.1395 | 1.1395 | 14.10% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Industry Zhen Xuan One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 014790 | -0.65% | 0.9715 | 0.9715 | -2.21% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Industry Zhen Xuan One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 014791 | -0.65% | 0.9613 | 0.9613 | -3.24% | 25-02-11 |
IGW An Rui Balanced Fund C | 014926 | -0.36% | 1.1468 | 1.1468 | 15.10% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Xin Jing Industry Selected One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 015162 | -0.68% | 0.9377 | 0.9377 | -5.58% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Xin Jing Industry Selected One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 015163 | -0.68% | 0.9249 | 0.9249 | -6.87% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Technology Innovation Balanced Fund C | 015683 | 0.14% | 1.3595 | 1.5545 | 22.71% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Core Competence Mixed Securities Fund C | 015731 | 0.48% | 3.1670 | 3.9370 | -4.43% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quality Evergreen Balanced Fund C | 015751 | -0.32% | 1.1357 | 1.1357 | 48.24% | 25-02-11 |
IGW He Xin Zhao Jing Balanced Fund C | 015752 | -0.34% | 0.6794 | 0.6794 | -5.08% | 25-02-11 |
IGW High Quality Growth Balanced Fund C | 015755 | -1.00% | 0.9565 | 0.9565 | -27.15% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Booming Growth Balanced Fund C | 015756 | -0.24% | 1.0182 | 1.0182 | 2.08% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quality Growth Balanced Fund C | 015775 | -0.49% | 1.0824 | 1.0824 | -4.32% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Margin Balanced Fund C | 015779 | 0.11% | 1.6027 | 1.6027 | 45.05% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI NCD AAA Index 7-day Holding Period Fund | 015862 | -0.01% | 1.0637 | 1.0637 | 6.38% | 25-02-11 |
IGW BSE Selected Two Years Regular Open Balanced fund A | 016307 | 1.42% | 1.4578 | 1.6848 | 66.59% | 25-02-11 |
IGW BSE Selected Two Years Regular Open Balanced fund C | 016308 | 1.42% | 1.4393 | 1.6643 | 64.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quality Investing Mixed Securities Fund C | 016906 | -0.03% | 3.1070 | 3.1070 | -3.99% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Rong Jing Rui Li One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund A | 017088 | --% | 1.0177 | 1.0177 | --% | 25-01-22 |
IGW Rong Jing Rui Li One Year Holding Period Balanced Fund C | 017089 | --% | 1.0115 | 1.0115 | --% | 25-01-22 |
IGW Energy & Infrastructure Mixed Securities Fund C | 017090 | 0.62% | 2.4280 | 2.4280 | 34.13% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Emerging Growth Mixed Securities Fund C | 017110 | -0.66% | 1.6480 | 1.6480 | -25.14% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Strategic Selection Balanced Fund C | 017167 | 0.62% | 2.9220 | 2.9220 | 12.34% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Competitive Enterprise Mixed Securities Fund C | 017170 | 0.31% | 2.9200 | 2.9200 | -13.31% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Qi You Xuan One Year Holding Period Balanced fund A | 017639 | -0.09% | 1.0970 | 1.0970 | 9.80% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Qi You Xuan One Year Holding Period Balanced fund C | 017640 | -0.09% | 1.0842 | 1.0842 | 8.52% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Zhi Yuan Balanced Fund A | 017860 | -1.45% | 0.6924 | 0.6924 | -29.74% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Zhi Yuan Balanced Fund C | 017861 | -1.44% | 0.6825 | 0.6825 | -30.75% | 25-02-11 |
IGW State-Owned Enterprises Value Balanced Fund A | 018294 | 0.30% | 1.2260 | 1.2260 | 22.23% | 25-02-11 |
IGW State-Owned Enterprises Value Balanced Fund C | 018295 | 0.30% | 1.2190 | 1.2190 | 21.53% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Cyclical Selective Balanced Fund A | 018504 | 0.30% | 1.1898 | 1.1898 | 18.62% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Cyclical Selective Balanced Fund C | 018505 | 0.31% | 1.1834 | 1.1834 | 17.98% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Small & Mid Cap Mixed Securities Fund C | 018553 | 0.41% | 1.4730 | 1.7970 | -5.74% | 25-02-11 |
DingYi Mixed Securities Fund C | 018600 | -0.74% | 1.7410 | 1.7410 | -22.90% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Pioneer Balance Fund C | 018760 | --% | 1.2980 | 1.2980 | --% | 23-10-23 |
IGW China Rewards Balanced Fund C | 018995 | -1.28% | 1.2350 | 1.2350 | -26.93% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Balance Fund C | 019215 | -0.10% | 1.1279 | 1.1279 | -2.81% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Discovery Balanced Fund A1 | 019521 | 0.11% | 1.1178 | 1.1178 | 11.66% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Discovery Balanced Fund A2 | 019522 | 0.11% | 1.1229 | 1.1229 | 12.17% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Value Discovery Balanced Fund A3 | 019523 | 0.11% | 1.1259 | 1.1259 | 12.47% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Zhuo Yue Growth Balanced Fund A | 020347 | --% | 1.1851 | 1.1851 | --% | 24-12-05 |
IGW Zhuo Yue Growth Balanced Fund C | 020348 | --% | 1.1808 | 1.1808 | --% | 24-12-05 |
IGW Growth Opportunities Balanced Fund A | 020587 | 0.57% | 1.0856 | 1.0856 | 7.95% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Growth Opportunities Balanced Fund C | 020588 | 0.57% | 1.0824 | 1.0824 | 7.63% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Jing Rui Growth Balanced Fund A | 021431 | 0.33% | 1.0052 | 1.0052 | 0.33% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Jing Rui Growth Balanced Fund C | 021432 | 0.32% | 1.0049 | 1.0049 | 0.31% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Pillar Industry Mixed Securities Fund C | 021512 | 0.52% | 1.7310 | 1.9300 | -7.86% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Industry Trend Balanced Fund C | 023193 | -0.62% | 0.6255 | 0.6255 | 3.47% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Monopoly Resource Mixed Securities Balanced Fund(LOF) C | 023262 | -1.18% | 0.4200 | 0.4200 | 3.91% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Domestic Demand Growth Mixed Securities Fund C | 023263 | -0.90% | 7.4690 | 7.4690 | 1.32% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Domestic Demand Growth II Mixed Securities Fund C | 023264 | -0.77% | 1.0350 | 1.0350 | 1.16% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Intelligent life Balanced Fund C | 023265 | -0.56% | 2.0145 | 2.0145 | -1.11% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Quantitative Growth Evolution Balanced Fund C | 023269 | -0.51% | 0.8426 | 0.8426 | 3.22% | 25-02-11 |
DingYi Mixed Securities Fund A | 162605 | -0.68% | 1.7600 | 4.7010 | 1227.20% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Monopoly Resource Mixed Securities Balanced Fund(LOF) A | 162607 | -1.17% | 0.4210 | 3.2490 | 558.67% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Select Equity Mixed Securities Fund | 260101 | -1.10% | 3.7399 | 6.4265 | 1695.10% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Dynamic Balanced Fund | 260103 | 0.03% | 1.6094 | 3.9494 | 671.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Domestic Demand Growth Mixed Securities Fund A | 260104 | -0.90% | 7.4530 | 9.3290 | 1352.13% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Emerging Growth Mixed Securities Fund A | 260108 | -0.66% | 1.6620 | 3.4690 | 375.79% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Domestic Demand Growth II Mixed Securities Fund A | 260109 | -0.77% | 1.0340 | 3.5150 | 557.00% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Select Blue Chip Mixed Securities Fund | 260110 | 0.00% | 0.9280 | 1.9530 | 102.40% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Corporate Governance Mixed Securities Fund | 260111 | -1.32% | 1.3500 | 3.2380 | 402.92% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Energy & Infrastructure Mixed Securities Fund A | 260112 | 0.62% | 2.4510 | 3.4220 | 348.72% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Small & Mid Cap Mixed Securities Fund A | 260115 | 0.47% | 1.4880 | 2.3720 | 180.08% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Core Competence Mixed Securities Fund A | 260116 | 0.47% | 3.1950 | 4.5250 | 423.00% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Pillar Industry Mixed Securities Fund A | 260117 | 0.46% | 1.7350 | 2.2140 | 141.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Core Competence Mixed Securities Fund H | 960008 | 0.47% | 3.1740 | 4.3540 | --% | 25-02-11 |
Fund Name | Fund Code | Daily Return | Latest NAV | Cummulative NAV | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW Greater China Balanced Fund A(USD) | 010671 | 0.38% | 0.2660 | 0.2660 | -10.66% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Global Semiconductor Sector Equity Fund(QDII-LOF)A(USD) | 016667 | 1.07% | 0.2072 | 0.2072 | 49.44% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Global Semiconductor Sector Equity Fund(QDII-LOF)C(RMB) | 016668 | 1.12% | 1.4741 | 1.4741 | 45.78% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Greater China Balanced Fund C(RMB) | 016988 | 0.58% | 1.8950 | 1.8950 | 9.03% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Market-Cap Weighted ETF Seeded Feeder Fund(QDII)A(RMB) | 017091 | 1.38% | 1.9794 | 1.9794 | 95.24% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Market-Cap Weighted ETF Seeded Feeder Fund(QDII)A(USD) | 017092 | 1.36% | 0.2760 | 0.2760 | 98.78% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Market-Cap Weighted ETF Seeded Feeder Fund(QDII)C(RMB) | 017093 | 1.38% | 1.9604 | 1.9604 | 93.37% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Hang Seng Consumption ETF Seeded Feeder Fund(QDII) A | 019102 | -1.48% | 1.0114 | 1.0114 | 2.66% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hang Seng Consumption ETF Seeded Feeder Fund(QDII) C | 019103 | -1.49% | 1.0081 | 1.0081 | 2.33% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Market-Cap Weighted ETF Seeded Feeder Fund(QDII)E(RMB) | 019118 | 1.38% | 1.9718 | 1.9718 | 52.33% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Greater China Balanced Fund A(RMB) | 262001 | 0.63% | 1.9100 | 2.3310 | 144.21% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Global Semiconductor Sector Equity Fund(QDII-LOF)A(RMB) | 501225 | 1.12% | 1.4864 | 1.4864 | 47.00% | 25-02-10 |
Fund Name | Fund Code | Daily Return | Latest NAV | Cummulative NAV | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW Moderate Pension Target FOF A | 007272 | 0.36% | 1.1660 | 1.1660 | 16.19% | 25-02-07 |
IGW Jingrui Ruili Return Balanced Fund | 007274 | --% | 1.1433 | 1.1433 | --% | 22-11-29 |
IGW Yixin TDF 2040 3 yrs Holding Pension FOF | 012518 | --% | 0.7863 | 0.7863 | --% | 24-07-12 |
IGW TDF 2035 3 Years Holding Period Balanced FOF A | 013904 | 0.87% | 0.9559 | 0.9559 | -5.23% | 25-02-07 |
IGW JunFeng Balance Pension Target FOF A | 014374 | 0.64% | 1.0203 | 1.0203 | 1.38% | 25-02-07 |
IGW Jun Fa Balance 3 years Holding Period Pension FOF | 015317 | 1.02% | 0.9925 | 0.9925 | -1.75% | 25-02-07 |
IGW Moderate Pension Target FOF Y | 017259 | 0.36% | 1.1729 | 1.1729 | 5.99% | 25-02-07 |
IGW JunFeng Balance Pension Target FOF Y | 019652 | 0.64% | 1.0274 | 1.0274 | 6.81% | 25-02-07 |
IGW Conservative 1 Year Holding Period Pension TRF A | 019665 | 0.11% | 1.0477 | 1.0477 | 4.65% | 25-02-07 |
IGW TDF 2035 3 Years Holding Period Balanced FOF Y | 021048 | 0.87% | 0.9585 | 0.9585 | 9.65% | 25-02-07 |
IGW Zhenpin 3-months Holding Balanced FOF A | 021638 | 0.61% | 1.0055 | 1.0055 | -0.06% | 25-02-07 |
IGW Zhenpin 3-months Holding Balanced FOF C | 021639 | 0.59% | 1.0050 | 1.0050 | -0.09% | 25-02-07 |
IGW Conservative 1 Year Holding Period Pension TRF A | 022272 | 0.11% | 1.0473 | 1.0473 | 2.41% | 25-02-07 |
Fund Name | Fund Code | Daily Return | Latest NAV | Cummulative NAV | Cummulative Return | Date |
IGW CSI 300 Enhanced Index Fund A | 000311 | -0.32% | 2.1790 | 2.5190 | 157.16% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI TMT 150 ETF Feeder Fund A | 001361 | -0.40% | 0.7550 | 0.7550 | -24.20% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI 500 ETF Feeder Fund | 001455 | -0.57% | 0.8790 | 0.8790 | -11.60% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI500 Sector Neutral Low Volatility Index Fund A | 003318 | -0.40% | 1.4428 | 1.4428 | 44.86% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI TMT 150 ETF Feeder Fund C | 004371 | -0.26% | 0.7580 | 0.7580 | 7.04% | 25-02-11 |
IGW MSCI China A Inclusion RMB Index ETF Feeder Fund | 005832 | --% | 1.4118 | 1.4118 | --% | 22-05-05 |
IGW MSCI China A Inclusion RMB Enhanced Index Fund A | 006063 | -0.18% | 1.3547 | 1.3547 | 35.72% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI 500 Enhanced Index Fund A | 006682 | -0.46% | 1.3750 | 1.3750 | 38.14% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI SH-HK-SZ Dividend Growth Low Volatility Index Fund A | 007751 | 0.49% | 1.2207 | 1.4877 | 54.13% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI SH-HK-SZ Dividend Growth Low Volatility Index Fund C | 007760 | 0.49% | 1.2146 | 1.4695 | 51.81% | 25-02-11 |
IGW ChiNext Board Composite Enhanced Index Fund A | 008072 | -0.99% | 1.4963 | 1.4963 | 51.13% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI 1000 Enhanced Index Fund A | 015495 | -0.37% | 1.1015 | 1.1015 | 10.56% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI 1000 Enhanced Index Fund C | 015496 | -0.37% | 1.0893 | 1.0893 | 9.33% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI 300 Enhanced Index Fund C | 015679 | -0.32% | 2.1670 | 2.1670 | -3.21% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI NEV Battery ETF Feeder Fund A | 015871 | -1.05% | 0.6150 | 0.6150 | -37.85% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI NEV Battery ETF Feeder Fund C | 015872 | -1.05% | 0.6133 | 0.6133 | -38.02% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI Dividend Low Volatility 100 ETF Seeded Feeder Fund A | 016128 | 0.62% | 1.2745 | 1.2745 | 26.67% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI Dividend Low Volatility 100 ETF Seeded Feeder Fund C | 016129 | 0.62% | 1.2713 | 1.2713 | 26.35% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI NEV Battery ETF Feeder Fund D | 016349 | -1.06% | 0.6089 | 0.6089 | -39.33% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI HONG KONG CONNECT TECHNOLOGY ETF Seeded Feeder Fund A | 016495 | -2.08% | 1.2586 | 1.2586 | 28.54% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI HONG KONG CONNECT TECHNOLOGY ETF Seeded Feeder Fund C | 016496 | -2.09% | 1.2477 | 1.2477 | 27.43% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI SEEE Carbon Neutral Index Fund A | 016543 | --% | 1.0298 | 1.0298 | --% | 24-05-27 |
IGW CSI SEEE Carbon Neutral Index Fund C | 016544 | --% | 1.0291 | 1.0291 | --% | 24-05-27 |
IGW CSI 500 Enhanced Index Fund C | 016935 | -0.47% | 1.3629 | 1.3629 | -4.26% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SZSE ChiNext 50 ETF Feeder Fund A | 017949 | -1.48% | 0.8824 | 0.8824 | -10.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SZSE ChiNext 50 ETF Feeder Fund C | 017950 | -1.48% | 0.8776 | 0.8776 | -10.91% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI 2000 Enhanced Index Fund A | 019013 | -0.49% | 1.1231 | 1.1231 | 12.86% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI 2000 Enhanced Index Fund C | 019014 | -0.48% | 1.1166 | 1.1166 | 12.20% | 25-02-11 |
IGW ChiNext Board Composite Enhanced Index Fund C | 019239 | -1.00% | 1.4872 | 1.4872 | 22.84% | 25-02-11 |
IGW MSCI China A Inclusion RMB Enhanced Index Fund C | 019251 | -0.19% | 1.3625 | 1.3625 | 1.62% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI500 Sector Neutral Low Volatility Index Fund C | 019359 | -0.40% | 1.4389 | 1.4389 | 3.14% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Index Fund A | 019767 | -1.03% | 1.3897 | 1.3897 | 40.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Enhanced Index Fund C | 019768 | -1.03% | 1.3872 | 1.3872 | 40.17% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI Robot Industry ETF Seeded Feeder Fund A | 020893 | -0.16% | 1.2217 | 1.2217 | 22.37% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI Robot Industry ETF Seeded Feeder Fund C | 020894 | -0.16% | 1.2195 | 1.2195 | 22.16% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Index Seeded Fund A | 021484 | -1.14% | 1.3398 | 1.3398 | 35.52% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 Index Seeded Fund C | 021485 | -1.14% | 1.3378 | 1.3378 | 35.32% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI SH-HK-SZ Dividend Growth Low Volatility Index Fund E | 021735 | 0.49% | 1.2182 | 1.2927 | 11.62% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI Oil&Gas ETF Seeded Feeder Fund A | 021822 | 0.23% | 1.0243 | 1.0243 | 2.19% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI Oil&Gas ETF Seeded Feeder Fund C | 021823 | 0.23% | 1.0230 | 1.0230 | 2.07% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI China Reform Hong Kong Connect Central-SOEs High Dividend Yield ETF Seeded A | 021961 | 0.34% | 0.9490 | 0.9490 | -5.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI China Reform Hong Kong Connect Central-SOEs High Dividend Yield ETF Seeded C | 021962 | 0.34% | 0.9483 | 0.9483 | -5.49% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI A500 ETF Feeder Fund A | 022444 | -0.48% | 0.9511 | 0.9511 | -4.42% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI A500 ETF Feeder Fund C | 022445 | -0.48% | 0.9506 | 0.9506 | -4.47% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI A500 ETF Feeder Fund Y | 022894 | -0.49% | 0.9508 | 0.9508 | -0.28% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI A500 ETF | 159353 | -0.51% | 0.9720 | 0.9720 | -2.30% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Nasdaq-100 Technology Sector Market-Cap Weighted ETF(QDII) | 159509 | 1.49% | 1.5158 | 1.5158 | 49.35% | 25-02-10 |
IGW CNI 2000 ETF | 159522 | --% | 0.7564 | 0.7564 | --% | 25-01-02 |
IGW SP 500 Consumer Select ETF (QDII) | 159529 | 0.55% | 1.2836 | 1.2836 | 27.66% | 25-02-10 |
IGW Robotics ETF | 159559 | -0.17% | 1.1985 | 1.1985 | 20.06% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI Chip Industry ETF | 159560 | -1.10% | 1.2166 | 1.2166 | 22.99% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI HK Connect Dividend Low Volatility ETF | 159569 | -0.02% | 1.1000 | 1.1000 | 10.02% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CNI Oil&Gas ETF | 159588 | 0.24% | 0.9465 | 0.9465 | -5.58% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI 500 Enhanced ETF | 159610 | -0.32% | 0.8601 | 0.8601 | -13.71% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SZSE ChiNext 50 ETF | 159682 | -1.54% | 0.9306 | 0.9306 | -5.39% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI Consumer Electronics Index ETF | 159733 | --% | 0.6557 | 0.6557 | --% | 24-05-21 |
IGW CNI NEV Battery ETF | 159757 | -1.09% | 0.5623 | 0.5623 | -43.15% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI 300 EW ETF | 159924 | --% | 0.0010 | 0.0010 | --% | 19-03-07 |
IGW CSI 500 ETF | 159935 | -0.52% | 1.8292 | 1.8292 | 83.87% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SSE 180 EW ETF Feeder Fund | 263001 | --% | 0.3090 | 0.3090 | --% | 19-09-25 |
IGW SSE 180 EW ETF | 510420 | --% | 1.1490 | 1.1490 | --% | 20-01-08 |
IGW CSI 800 Food and Beverage ETF | 512210 | --% | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | --% | 19-04-24 |
IGW CSI TMT 150 ETF | 512220 | -0.33% | 1.8120 | 1.8120 | 84.38% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI Health Care ETF | 512230 | --% | 1.4320 | 1.4320 | --% | 19-03-06 |
IGW MSCI China A Inclusion RMB Index ETF | 512280 | -0.45% | 1.4480 | 1.4480 | 45.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI HK CONNECT INNOVATIVE DRUG ETF | 513780 | -2.10% | 0.9550 | 0.9550 | -2.45% | 25-02-11 |
IGW Hang Seng Consumption ETF(QDII) | 513970 | -1.58% | 0.8510 | 0.8510 | -13.53% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI HONG KONG CONNECT TECHNOLOGY ETF | 513980 | -2.47% | 0.6345 | 0.6345 | -35.90% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI Dividend Low Volatility 100 ETF | 515100 | 0.64% | 1.4410 | 1.8780 | 92.48% | 25-02-11 |
IGW CSI China Reform Hong Kong Connect Central-SOEs High Dividend Yield ETF | 520990 | 0.30% | 0.9072 | 0.9072 | -9.55% | 25-02-11 |
IGW SSE Science and Technology Innovation Board 50 ETF | 588950 | -1.15% | 1.0531 | 1.0531 | 6.54% | 25-02-11 |
589890 | --% | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | --% | -- |
Important information:
The information contained in this website is obtained and / or compiled from sources believed to be reliable and current. However, Invesco Great Wall cannot and does not warrant, guarantee or represent, either expressly or impliedly, the accuracy, validity or completeness of such information. No responsibility can be accepted for any errors, mistakes or omissions or for any action taken in reliance thereon. The information provided herein is subject to change without further notice.
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Investment involves risks. The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Fund manager does not guarantee positive return or minimum return. The history of fund management is short in China and cannot reflect every phase of the stock/bond market development. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Other fund's return does not guarantee the performance of the fund managed by the same portfolio manager.Investors should note that the information provided herein may not have set out all the risks and other significant aspects involved in investing in any Invesco Great Wall products mentioned herein and should therefore refer to the relevantcontract and prospectus to learn about each fund’s risk and return profile, and evaluate compatibility to his/her risk tolerance before making any investment.